Obbedisco! Cari amici, finalmente ci siamo!
Cito da
qui :
Il 20 gennaio il Senato ha approvato il cosiddetto pacchetto sicurezza (D.d.l. 733) e, tra gli altri, un emendamento del senatore Gianpiero D’Alia (Udc) identificato dall’articolo 50-bis: ”
Repressione di activities of apology or instigation to commit a crime carried out by internet . The text becomes Article 60.
The offense of condoning or inciting others to commit a crime carried out via the Internet, will be treated as the equivalent crime in the press. With one small difference: a newspaper lawyers, editors, journalists, salaries, professional associations, party badges, hooks with politicians and with the local Masons. A bloggher is a normal person with a job (probably insecure!), Little money, some debts and review. In a country where little is
to steal and steal go to jail so you career, the risk of seeing the sun in chess for a post in which you aside some 'hands, it becomes more concrete.
I personally have a clear conscience, why do not I ever post are notoriously loose and everybody's friend. Even the Jaguar!
funzionaerà Let's see how this Italian laws and therefore
right and legitimate
: suppose a bad blogger writes a post criticizing an unjust law (or would-be censors give me respite gentlemen!) And calls for some form of protest or disobedience, maybe not violent. In this case, the post reported to be overshadowed by the company responsible for providing service to the blogger not later than 24 hours of reporting, impose an administrative penalty 50 thousand to 250 thousand ranging from €.
If this company is located abroad, will be held responsible providers of Internet connectivity, which will set up within 24 hours (or face a penalty as above) a filter to block all Internet users to read the Italian post to be indicted and Consequently incitement to violence or disobedience.
For bloggers instead be imprisonment from 1 to 5 years for incitement to murder and condoning of crime, as well as an additional penalty of 6 months to 5 years for incitement to disobedience of the laws of public order or hatred between the social classes.
The same thing applies to social networks and video sharing sites. It is not a clear stance against the online auction sites. I mean, if I put on sale on ebay an object that incites hatred, what do we do?
goes without saying that the bodies should be established for monitoring web sites, blogs and all social networks. Considering the size of the only Italian blogosphere, I would say that thanks to this law, there will be jobs for all!
ALIVE THE GOVERNMENT! the pizza carrier