From the windmill!
Dear friends,
with great pride and pride, I announce the closure of the dangerous portal ad opera dei coraggiosissimi finanzieri cagliaritani che vedete nella foto qui sopra. ( l'articolo originale )
Il giornale che pubblica la notizia (l'unione sarda) si fregia di aver avviato l'inchiesta con un articolo sulla pirateria online. Se andrete a leggere la pagina sull'oscuramento di linkstreaming, potrete facilmente immaginare quanto accurato doveva essere! Frasi come: " avrebbero acquisito i film da canali ancora sconosciuti, li avrebbero caricati sul portale rendendoli così accessibili a tutti " la dicono lunga.
Su questi portali (ma sarebbe più corretto parlare di forum o - in questo caso- di blog) not loaded films of dubious origin, but published only links to video sharing sites like YouTube, for instance. The links are always the same. The thousands of Web TV that there are in the network, goes round and round offering the same stuff.
illegally uploaded movies on youtube (and others) by unruly members, that a simple request of the holder of copyright will be deleted, with slap on the ears, you rascal, who at best, a repeat offender, we will cancel the account.
Copyright? course is violated. Certainly it is not legal. Not even fair. People arrives, load a movie on the Internet, everyone looking at him, someone makes us a penny (two cents, not billions of euros!) for publishing the link ...
I'm not saying it is right, but the world is going well and you can not do anything. You want to fight against the windmills! If I want to see the latest episodes of my favorite American TV series, without waiting for months without pay € 50 (minimo!) a month for sky, without having to pay € 14 a month for mediaset premium, without waiting for years, commercial breaks, to sip fixed hours of its broadcast networks, helping to enrich it (if possible) even more, the solution is a webtv hang out, see them whenever you want, how you want, for free, without interruption (except the infamous 54 minutes of megavideo!), dubbed or subtitled, with the opportunity to comment with others ...
The TV is dying. This is good news. I can not feel guilty if I agonize tool with which for years have managed to influence this country. I can not feel guilty if I refuse to buy something from the glittering shop raiset. If these people could do his job as a trader, offers us what we want at a lower price, rather than rant against the non- income. Instead of inventing ways to prevent the wind blowing.
We could offer the exclusive material on the porch of a webtv authorized and people swarming. It rifarebbero costs through advertising. The same mediaset, having regard to the request of users who search for and watch clips from shows on youtube, instead of organizing a section of its website to review the programs already aired, thanks to gaining back the replicas advertising space on board screen, do you prefer Case (vincendola!) to youtube.
At Sony, the market where they know something, have come up with the internet TV.
... and as times change, it is sad to see newspapers that bully that it has initiated a kidnapping and a darkening unfair, financiers and judges who act without knowing what it is ...
The only thing certain is that the six suspects are not convicted for a list of links in the public domain, but their names, ages and backgrounds, are published in the newspapers as if they were dangerous criminals.
A public pillory. A purge of the state. The proof that everything is forbidden to countermand.
Evidence that Money can buy justice!
Friday, April 23, 2010
What Stores Offerr Layaway
An Evening At The Movies. 2/ Shutter Island
Il nuovo film di Scorsese? Di nuovo con Di Caprio? Le premesse sono quelle che sono, visti gli ultimi tre. D'accordo, "Gangs of New York" non era male. D'accordo, in "The Departed" c'era un sempre impeccabile Jack Nicholson (anzi, diciamola tutta: l'intero film è impeccabile, niente da dire, ma questo non significa nomination a cinque oscar e vincerne quattro). Stavolta però cambia tutto, alle spalle di questo film c'è il libro di Dennis Lehane, "L'isola della paura". Un libro con i controcazzi, la cui atmosfera è ben riportata nel film. Trama: due agenti dell'FBI sono mandati in un manicomio criminale su un'isola nel mezzo del nulla per indagare sulla sparizione di una paziente. Apparentemente banale, but from the first minute of film you realize that something is wrong. Everything is cloaked in surrealism: from the dialogues, simple and (perhaps) overly explanatory, however, help to create a slightly transverse to reality, as if experienced from the perspective of a child, or perhaps a madman.
The references are those of Scorsese's dark thriller and more, see "Cape Fear" and especially "Bringing Out The Dead", plus a good dose of horror homage to the founder Kubrick "The Shining" from the soundtrack style Ligeti, passing for the colors and locations, until the plot itself, which is well suited for the purpose of reviewing and passing (chronological, not quality) del suddetto.
Gli attori: Di Caprio ormai è diventato un professionista, e lo credo bene: al quarto film con un regista stracazzuto difficilmente non si migliora, anche se rimane sempre un po' troppo attaccato al ruolo del ragazzetto in crisi e incazzato con tutti e tutto. L'avesse fatto Edward Norton magari sarebbe stata tutta un'altra storia, ma va bene così.
Ottimi Mark Ruffalo (l'ispettore di "Zodiac"), Ben Kingsley e un angosciantissimo Max Von Sydow nel ruolo del dottore tedesco (giusto per informazione, siamo nel secondo dopoguerra).
Il finale: si discosta dal libro per un piccolo ma fondamentale particolare, che aggiunge al film quel leggero sentore di americanata, senza comunque intaccare il mood.
In conclusion, beautiful, well done to everyone, this game Scorsese took it home fine.
Il nuovo film di Scorsese? Di nuovo con Di Caprio? Le premesse sono quelle che sono, visti gli ultimi tre. D'accordo, "Gangs of New York" non era male. D'accordo, in "The Departed" c'era un sempre impeccabile Jack Nicholson (anzi, diciamola tutta: l'intero film è impeccabile, niente da dire, ma questo non significa nomination a cinque oscar e vincerne quattro). Stavolta però cambia tutto, alle spalle di questo film c'è il libro di Dennis Lehane, "L'isola della paura". Un libro con i controcazzi, la cui atmosfera è ben riportata nel film. Trama: due agenti dell'FBI sono mandati in un manicomio criminale su un'isola nel mezzo del nulla per indagare sulla sparizione di una paziente. Apparentemente banale, but from the first minute of film you realize that something is wrong. Everything is cloaked in surrealism: from the dialogues, simple and (perhaps) overly explanatory, however, help to create a slightly transverse to reality, as if experienced from the perspective of a child, or perhaps a madman.
The references are those of Scorsese's dark thriller and more, see "Cape Fear" and especially "Bringing Out The Dead", plus a good dose of horror homage to the founder Kubrick "The Shining" from the soundtrack style Ligeti, passing for the colors and locations, until the plot itself, which is well suited for the purpose of reviewing and passing (chronological, not quality) del suddetto.
Gli attori: Di Caprio ormai è diventato un professionista, e lo credo bene: al quarto film con un regista stracazzuto difficilmente non si migliora, anche se rimane sempre un po' troppo attaccato al ruolo del ragazzetto in crisi e incazzato con tutti e tutto. L'avesse fatto Edward Norton magari sarebbe stata tutta un'altra storia, ma va bene così.
Ottimi Mark Ruffalo (l'ispettore di "Zodiac"), Ben Kingsley e un angosciantissimo Max Von Sydow nel ruolo del dottore tedesco (giusto per informazione, siamo nel secondo dopoguerra).
Il finale: si discosta dal libro per un piccolo ma fondamentale particolare, che aggiunge al film quel leggero sentore di americanata, senza comunque intaccare il mood.
In conclusion, beautiful, well done to everyone, this game Scorsese took it home fine.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Virtua Tennis 2009 Has Occurred
An Evening At The Concerts. 12/ Why?
Turin is a city very busy in the latter period, at least from me. This time nothing Hiroshima Mon Amour, one opts for the more touristy area 211 (with a giant garden where I usually do the Space Festival). We come in thinking
superanticipo to be late, only to discover that Turin is the laziest of us and yet there is none. So beer, cigarette, cazziemazzi for an hour. Then jump on stage
mr. Josiah Wolf, aka drummer Why e fratello di Yoni. "We're gonna keep it short, keep it real." E tiene fede alla parola: quattro canzoni folk, malinconia al contagoccie, molto americano, molto poco italiano.
Ma andiamo direttamente al piatto forte, Why? mancavano dal tour del loro precedente "Alopecia". In quell'occasione li avevo visti alla Casa 139 ma stavolta stavano su tutto un altro universo.
Il disco nuovo non l'ho sentito, devo ammettere. Sono andato li sperando in una buona quantità di roba vecchia, e devo dire che sono stato accontentato a dovere.
Parte il concerto con "These Few Presidents", ed è già uno sballo. Sono tutti in forma (a parte il bassista che assomiglia sempre di più a George Lucas e ai suoi cinque menti) and we bring the right energy. This was followed by the new songs, a lot of stuff from "alopecia" and several Pezzoni from "Elephant Eyelash" for my personal happiness ("I was walking through San Antonio before sound check ...")
is clearly not the only mine ' impression of cool to see a concert, people are seriously bust, so much so that we would like to thank Yoni. "You're the best audience we HAD to know." Encore with "Gemini (Birthday Song)" and another "Alopecia", and everyone home happy.
At least, I came home satisfied with the ears that I whistled. They did everything I wanted to do, have done better, he felt good, the atmosphere was lovely.
not ask for anything better to a concert.
Entertainment. And DIOM as the drummer pounded.
Turin is a city very busy in the latter period, at least from me. This time nothing Hiroshima Mon Amour, one opts for the more touristy area 211 (with a giant garden where I usually do the Space Festival). We come in thinking
superanticipo to be late, only to discover that Turin is the laziest of us and yet there is none. So beer, cigarette, cazziemazzi for an hour. Then jump on stage
mr. Josiah Wolf, aka drummer Why e fratello di Yoni. "We're gonna keep it short, keep it real." E tiene fede alla parola: quattro canzoni folk, malinconia al contagoccie, molto americano, molto poco italiano.
Ma andiamo direttamente al piatto forte, Why? mancavano dal tour del loro precedente "Alopecia". In quell'occasione li avevo visti alla Casa 139 ma stavolta stavano su tutto un altro universo.
Il disco nuovo non l'ho sentito, devo ammettere. Sono andato li sperando in una buona quantità di roba vecchia, e devo dire che sono stato accontentato a dovere.
Parte il concerto con "These Few Presidents", ed è già uno sballo. Sono tutti in forma (a parte il bassista che assomiglia sempre di più a George Lucas e ai suoi cinque menti) and we bring the right energy. This was followed by the new songs, a lot of stuff from "alopecia" and several Pezzoni from "Elephant Eyelash" for my personal happiness ("I was walking through San Antonio before sound check ...")
is clearly not the only mine ' impression of cool to see a concert, people are seriously bust, so much so that we would like to thank Yoni. "You're the best audience we HAD to know." Encore with "Gemini (Birthday Song)" and another "Alopecia", and everyone home happy.
At least, I came home satisfied with the ears that I whistled. They did everything I wanted to do, have done better, he felt good, the atmosphere was lovely.
not ask for anything better to a concert.
Entertainment. And DIOM as the drummer pounded.
Serenades Sorority Lines
nothing conta
Dear friends,
as you know, is one that counts! I count the days, I count the money in my pocket, I intend to make ends meet. M'intortano not count on that with the history of the Emergency Branch of terrorism in Afghanistan, with the reality, with the headings for further study, with the love that always wins over hate and envy. I live and survive.
time certain characters, however, is about to end and I - not without a certain pleasure! - Value the time that he misses.
TIC-TAC, TIC-TAC ... The rotten political, TIC-TAC, TIC TAC... la televisione spazzatura, TIC-TAC, TIC-TAC... la letteratura di consumo, TIC-TAC, TIC-TAC... la musica usa e getta, TIC-TAC, TIC-TAC... artisti-fantoccio questuanti e piagnucolanti in ignobili talent-show, TIC-TAC, TIC-TAC... preti pedofili e pontefici indulgenti, TIC-TAC, TIC-TAC...
A volte è bello contare!!!
Dear friends,
as you know, is one that counts! I count the days, I count the money in my pocket, I intend to make ends meet. M'intortano not count on that with the history of the Emergency Branch of terrorism in Afghanistan, with the reality, with the headings for further study, with the love that always wins over hate and envy. I live and survive.
time certain characters, however, is about to end and I - not without a certain pleasure! - Value the time that he misses.
TIC-TAC, TIC-TAC ... The rotten political, TIC-TAC, TIC TAC... la televisione spazzatura, TIC-TAC, TIC-TAC... la letteratura di consumo, TIC-TAC, TIC-TAC... la musica usa e getta, TIC-TAC, TIC-TAC... artisti-fantoccio questuanti e piagnucolanti in ignobili talent-show, TIC-TAC, TIC-TAC... preti pedofili e pontefici indulgenti, TIC-TAC, TIC-TAC...
A volte è bello contare!!!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Melanoma Tattoo Images
vaccines in newborn babies, risks and safety fears
At the age of two months of age the infant's parents home will receive an invitation to travel to the ASL office for the first mandatory vaccination protocol provided by the Italian healthcare. E 'from here began the first doubts and fears first, at least for those who will ask you some questions. In Italy the
compulsory vaccination for newborn children is scheduled for 4 diseases: hepatitis B
The first two do not look for contagion . Hepatitis B can be contracted by blood transfusion or through sexual contact, can not it possible for a newborn. Tetanus is contagious through the door of a wound that comes into contact with the spores, the classic rusty nail so to speak, which are also found in soil and faeces of some animals, very remote possibility for a newborn child.
The last case of diphtheria occurred in our country in 1991 (Ministry of Health source) and June 21, 2002 was officially declared the eradication of poliomyelitis from the European Region, in Italy the news of 'last contagion is dated during 1982 (Ministry of Health source). Now the question facing the parents of infants:
why should I vaccinate my baby of 3 months from disease now eradicated (polio and diphtheria) e per altre che non sono trasmittibili se non per trasfusioni, rapporti sessuali (epatite B) o per infezione tramite oggetti arrugginiti o feci di animale su ferite aperte(tetano)?
La domanda è lecita, alla luce anche del fatto che sulla sicurezza dei vaccini si potrebbe parlare all' infinito. In Usa ad esempio 1 bambino su 100 presenta i segni dell' autismo o della sindrome di Asperger, date un'occhiata a questo articolo . Legare la vaccinazione all' incremento di casi di autismo non è semplice, anche perchè l'eziopatogenesi dell' autismo può essere connessa a fattori di tipo socio-ambientale o a configurazioni familiari specifiche o preferenziali, in alcuni si potrebbe perfino fare accenno all'influenza del maligno, Then without thinking of all the items on the empty synaptic voltage on cortical and subcortical, biochemical imbalances or deactivation of the neurons, in short, is not easy.
It 's easy to understand, however, that the diseases set out in the compulsory vaccination in an almost sure not attack our small, at least in Italy. So why vaccinate? This question is for pediatricians to meet almost all compact: if we have reached this result on the compulsory vaccination and the barrier that has been created for these diseases. But many parents think their children and wonder about the safety of vaccines. The same health ministry says this on its website:
"And 'instead found that thimerosal may be able to determine, in some individuals, awareness also against other mercurial compounds, with possible consequent delayed-type hypersensitivity cell-mediated ( health ministry source).
What What is thimerosal? The health ministry says the same: " some vaccines contain substances added to make the most effective antibody response, the so-called adjuvants such as aluminum hydroxide or aluminum phosphate ." Thimerosal is hate-ethylmercury-tiosalicilato (C9H9HgNaO2S) is an organo-mercurial ( read on for the risks of thimerosal ).
You now have the picture: one is now compulsory vaccination for diseases or impossible to eradicate infection and the 'other possible risks associated with vaccination of infants. On the scales put the two weights, but especially to grips with the doctors to get prepared for such an important decision.
compulsory vaccination for newborn children is scheduled for 4 diseases: hepatitis B
The first two do not look for contagion . Hepatitis B can be contracted by blood transfusion or through sexual contact, can not it possible for a newborn. Tetanus is contagious through the door of a wound that comes into contact with the spores, the classic rusty nail so to speak, which are also found in soil and faeces of some animals, very remote possibility for a newborn child.
The last case of diphtheria occurred in our country in 1991 (Ministry of Health source) and June 21, 2002 was officially declared the eradication of poliomyelitis from the European Region, in Italy the news of 'last contagion is dated during 1982 (Ministry of Health source). Now the question facing the parents of infants:
why should I vaccinate my baby of 3 months from disease now eradicated (polio and diphtheria) e per altre che non sono trasmittibili se non per trasfusioni, rapporti sessuali (epatite B) o per infezione tramite oggetti arrugginiti o feci di animale su ferite aperte(tetano)?
La domanda è lecita, alla luce anche del fatto che sulla sicurezza dei vaccini si potrebbe parlare all' infinito. In Usa ad esempio 1 bambino su 100 presenta i segni dell' autismo o della sindrome di Asperger, date un'occhiata a questo articolo . Legare la vaccinazione all' incremento di casi di autismo non è semplice, anche perchè l'eziopatogenesi dell' autismo può essere connessa a fattori di tipo socio-ambientale o a configurazioni familiari specifiche o preferenziali, in alcuni si potrebbe perfino fare accenno all'influenza del maligno, Then without thinking of all the items on the empty synaptic voltage on cortical and subcortical, biochemical imbalances or deactivation of the neurons, in short, is not easy.
It 's easy to understand, however, that the diseases set out in the compulsory vaccination in an almost sure not attack our small, at least in Italy. So why vaccinate? This question is for pediatricians to meet almost all compact: if we have reached this result on the compulsory vaccination and the barrier that has been created for these diseases. But many parents think their children and wonder about the safety of vaccines. The same health ministry says this on its website:
"And 'instead found that thimerosal may be able to determine, in some individuals, awareness also against other mercurial compounds, with possible consequent delayed-type hypersensitivity cell-mediated ( health ministry source).
What What is thimerosal? The health ministry says the same: " some vaccines contain substances added to make the most effective antibody response, the so-called adjuvants such as aluminum hydroxide or aluminum phosphate ." Thimerosal is hate-ethylmercury-tiosalicilato (C9H9HgNaO2S) is an organo-mercurial ( read on for the risks of thimerosal ).
You now have the picture: one is now compulsory vaccination for diseases or impossible to eradicate infection and the 'other possible risks associated with vaccination of infants. On the scales put the two weights, but especially to grips with the doctors to get prepared for such an important decision.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Candy Posters Prom Ideas
An evening at the concerts. 11/ Autechre
I am a bit 'late to the roadmap, because the concert was on March 26. But it took me a while 'to reassess the brains knocked out by the sonic trip that those lords of Manchester I was trimmed in Turin @ Hiroshima Mon Amour (always good for that price for acoustics).
What can I say? Autechre are and do not need no introduction or prologue, especially because beyond all the little live set had nothing to do with records, both historical and recent. Not even if they were selling the new album (which is pretty cool), as if to say "what you hear here tonight has nothing to do Fucking with whatever you want to listen to at home. "
That said, we go.
off lights and total darkness, we were not even the movies. They hide behind two lights go straight in the face, even if it does not disturb . You do not see but feel, and how. For about an hour and packed syncopated beat one another (although somebody tries anyway), techno fascinations, arpeggiator chasing flashes of distorted melodies, crescendos and moments of pure noise for the enjoyment of our eardrums. The ambient there is little or nothing, no recognizable pieces, in fact it is more appropriate to speak of pieces, as did not stop a second. But that's okay, I think nobody expected the Tri Repeatae Amber or live versions.
perfect life I would not be able to listen for a minute longer, I was exploding head.
Overall: Fantastic. Now that was a concert with electronic controcazzi.
the new disc, Oversteps, is the exact opposite of the live set and there are no batteries spaccatimpani if \u200b\u200bthat's what you want.
I am a bit 'late to the roadmap, because the concert was on March 26. But it took me a while 'to reassess the brains knocked out by the sonic trip that those lords of Manchester I was trimmed in Turin @ Hiroshima Mon Amour (always good for that price for acoustics).
What can I say? Autechre are and do not need no introduction or prologue, especially because beyond all the little live set had nothing to do with records, both historical and recent. Not even if they were selling the new album (which is pretty cool), as if to say "what you hear here tonight has nothing to do Fucking with whatever you want to listen to at home. "
That said, we go.
off lights and total darkness, we were not even the movies. They hide behind two lights go straight in the face, even if it does not disturb . You do not see but feel, and how. For about an hour and packed syncopated beat one another (although somebody tries anyway), techno fascinations, arpeggiator chasing flashes of distorted melodies, crescendos and moments of pure noise for the enjoyment of our eardrums. The ambient there is little or nothing, no recognizable pieces, in fact it is more appropriate to speak of pieces, as did not stop a second. But that's okay, I think nobody expected the Tri Repeatae Amber or live versions.
perfect life I would not be able to listen for a minute longer, I was exploding head.
Overall: Fantastic. Now that was a concert with electronic controcazzi.
the new disc, Oversteps, is the exact opposite of the live set and there are no batteries spaccatimpani if \u200b\u200bthat's what you want.
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