Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Watch Kite Anime Director's Cut Online



Monday, October 25, 2010

How Much Does A Bmw Reupholstered

Mission Statement

Dear workers,
after shot of Marchionne by Fazio, who did turn up their noses at all the politicians, trade unionists , workers, thieves and whores of Italy, the spokesman for pdl Capezzone states:

"is a good thing that Italian politics has the foresight to support Sergio Marchionne, who is proving to be a courageous innovator"

I wonder where innovation. Put it in the ass to work has always been the secret intention of all governments (left or right makes no difference) for twenty years now. Maybe innovation is really a declaration of intent!

Down with hypocrisy! Long live the government!

thanks for the donuts
the pizza carrier

Thursday, October 14, 2010

When Is Tech Deck Live Going To Open

I'm still here

So you call the new documentary film by Joaquin Phoenix who absolutely must go and see. It is also our present condition, that we have not been swallowed by a chasm of space and time to find ourselves on the set of ancient Rome with SPQR Christian De Sica and Massimo Boldi.
We are still here, only that we are very quiet because we like to do big things on the sly and then let you explode in your face at the right time.

said, is not yet the right time. But given the pressing your complaints to our obstinate silence seemed right to break it with a few lines.

adore you!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Phlegm Taste Like Blood

bombs on Italian

Dear compatriots,
after the terrible news of the death of four mountaineers on a mission of peace in Afghanistan , Defence Minister Ignazio La Russa aims to equip the fighters with bombs Italian proposal will be evaluated by Parliament in the coming days.
Nothing to plead for Born , although the Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen , in a statement issued by the agencies in the past few hours, he must clarify that I personally prefer the cannoli.

thanks for the support
the pizza carrier

Friday, October 8, 2010

Blue And Gold Masterbation

The right shoes for newborns

When children begin to take its first steps, when they rise from the ground to crawl and then walk it is time to buy the shoes first. Usually everything is all 'about the 10-13 months of life of the small, but it depends from child to child. C 'is the one who starts walking at 9 months to a year and those who even at 14-15 months. Do not worry if your little tarda rispetto ai suoi compagni, ognuno ha i suoi tempi.

All' inizio quando i piccoli sono ancora neonati in vendita troviamo scarpine morbide, adatte più che altro a coprire i piedini dal freddo, non servono per camminare visto che sono veramente leggere, molte volte fatte anche di stoffa.
Quali sono le scarpe giuste per i bambini che muovono i primi passi?
Di solito le scarpine buone a questo scopo devono avere le seguenti caratteristiche:
-tra tallone e parte centrale della punta delle dita se tiriamo una linea deve essere retta, perpendicolare all' asse del pavimento
-le scarpine devono essere morbide se si piegano
-punta and must have a reinforced heel that allows the child to use it as a "grip" at the time of the 'lifted'

Unfortunately the market for children's shoes are very expensive. It is rare to find buy shoes first steps that reach 70 € , an absurdity. How do I save? Go to flea markets. Many banks offer stock of the most renowned brands such as Balducci , Mites, Chicco etc ..., you save a lot. For numbers on the child would be better because at least always try to 'start the shoe must be the right size, but obviously will take very little considering the growth continues.

In ogni caso indicativamente un bimbo maschio all' età di 10-12 mesi indossa un 21-23 di scarpe, più piccolo per le femminucce.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

2010 Dog Dies Of Leptospirosis In Dallas

hunting outing of Iron: the whole truth ...

Dear Friends homosexual and non
this week the magazine Vanity Fair comes out with the cover that you see in the picture. Now, I do not give a damn if 'this guy is gay, straight, bisexual, transgender ... Sticazzi! But I had to write this post because it seems that the basis of this article there is a stupid mistake, exploited properly to get a little 'free of sensationalism, to be sold to a distracted public.
Of course this is just rumors and not confirmed as such, but as you will read below, very plausible.

It all started last month, when a reporter met Mr. Sarda Union Iron Sant'Avendrace while walking on a hot day in late summer, with lots of flip-flops and ice cream in hand.
journalist, recognizing an artist of international reputation around his city, he thought well to ask him some questions to document the encounter in an article.

Now some of you Chicca knew? A person really delicious! Craft washed away Quirra box market. Hours and salary to be impossible hungry! Then one day he discovered that his talent: the ties. He started to pack it for friends and relatives, then rumors began to circulate and opened a shop in Corso Vittorio Emanuele. It appears that his ties are so beautiful, your voice will be spread also in the "continent", hence the interest of Tiziano Ferro, always a man of great taste and fashion lover.

So the question: How come you're in Cagliari?
The singer would have said: I came to get me a tie Chicca!
unleashing the uproar in above.

Thanks for your attention.
the pizza carrier