Saturday, November 27, 2010

Diabetic Breakthrough Cure

Death Penalty!

Dear friends,

jelly Nazi His Holiness has another shot of her. In a press conference on the output of his new book, soon to lie packed in festive multi-colored paper under the Christmas tree along with the last of any good Italian Vespa, will explain why "homosexuality can never be morally right .

Gheillare is a sin, it tells our Mussolini when he declares that "it is better fascist fag" and our prime minister who says "Better watch girls being gay, "but I would like to explore the theme of sin, because the Christian tradition is full of characters but not to sin or to sin the next, would give his life.

Santa Maria Goretti , for example, become holy only twelve years for having preferred death to rape, or Santa Rita da Cascia , which ha pregato (e ottenuto!) che Gesù le portasse via i suoi due figli, prima che vendicassero la morte del padre.

Riepilogando in forma matematica:

(gay = peccatore) e (meglio morto che peccatore) implica (meglio morto che gay).

Se sei un buon cristiano, chiedi anche tu la pena di morte per i gay!

Buon Natale
il portapizza

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Alexia Texas Bleck Gaj

There is a limit to everything.

Cari amici, 
dopo l'episodio delle foto scattate in aula alla Camera da Alessandra Mussolini, per immortalare il torbido caso Carfagna- Mouthpiece ... No. Come on, guys can not do it ... too!

I refuse.
the pizza carrier

Monday, November 15, 2010

Chave De AtivaÇao Sound Blaster X-fi Mb

a little 'heart

Dear friends,
last week we talked about so much (too much) Mr. Califano which is in crisis and called for the law Bachelli. The annuity is € 24 000 per year and is intended for those public figures who have brought fame to our country and live in conditions of discomfort. Er actually Caliph is indigent, after a bad fall down the stairs and fractured three vertebrae, but after the outraged public reaction to the news of the request for money, has done promptly reversed, denying the obvious. Like any other public figure, you say, pulling the stone (the stone pulls ahahahaha ... sorry!) And hides the hand, but this time is different.

Apart from the usual media carousel that has seen him host a Striscia la Notizia Domenica5 and saying they do not want money from anyone, the problem remains. In fact we can not expect a public figure who has achieved a certain standard of life, back to pizza and figs. After villone bought a farm, we can not expect to sell everything and move to a small apartment in Trastevere for 60 meters paintings. But if it remains in the country, will continue to have large costs. For example dust. In the countryside is so, open a window, and dusts it all. Dust everywhere! Eccheccazzo, those least 24 000 euro a year just not enough to solve the problem of dust. A little 'heart, come on!

Good evening
the pizza carrier

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Stranger Films Gey Man

Something to know before planning a baby

A pregnancy is a wonderful thing, is an important moment in the life of a woman whose incredible transformation takes place both mental and physical. Just because you build a new life need to be careful, some behaviors should be adopted. Here a small list of things to know before planning pregnancy.

Improve your diet:
you need a balanced diet of at least three meals per day with foods from all four food groups, vitamins and minerals essential for good health . Two of the most important nutrients for a healthy pregnancy are calcium and folic acid, a good multivitamin will provide you the right amount of both. Reduce caffeine intake. Studies show that caffeine delays conception and is related to infertility. (Note: Caffeine can help (in some men) to stimulate the mobility of sperm).

Raggiungete un peso sano:
raggiungete il vostro peso ideale prima di tentare di concepire. Studi hanno dimostrato che le madri sottopeso tendono ad avere bambini di basso peso alla nascita. Assicuratevi quindi di non andare sotto il vostro peso ma nemmeno sopra perché sopraggiungerebbero altre complicazioni. Inoltre un peso giusto regolarizza il ciclo, facilitando il calcolo dei giorni fertili .

Fate Esercizio:
mettervi in forma almeno tre mesi prima di concepire (idealmente da 3 a 12 mesi) rende più facile mantenere uno stile di vita attivo durante la gravidanza, e aiuta durante il travaglio. L'esercizio aerobico può migliorare il vostro umore e il livello di energia e vi aiuta a raggiungere un peso sano prima di rimanere incinta . Potrete anche essere meno vulnerabili alle oscillazioni ormonali. Esercizi pre-gravidanza per tornare in forma includono camminare, jogging, corsa, nuoto e step. (Nota: Iniziate lentamente e non sovraccaricate il corpo, dovete sempre consultare il medico prima di iniziare qualsiasi nuovo programma di allenamento.).

No ad alcol, droghe, fumo:
c'è bisogno da ricordarlo? Forse sì; è bene sapere che molti studi have shown that smoking, drinking and drugs are consumed activities related to miscarriages, low birth weight children and behavioral problems later in life of the unborn. Stop before attempting to get pregnant is the best.