Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Book Brian And Andrew Of A Place In Greece

increase breast milk for your baby can we?

It 's a question that many mothers are placed, there is a possibility to increase breast milk and if so, how? More the baby sucks the mother produces more milk, but it is so easy . When the baby is latched on the nerve endings in the nipple and in 'areola are stimulated and signal the brain to produce two hormones, oxytocin and prolactin. The first stimulates the flow of milk in the milk ejection reflex of the second stimulates the production of more milk in alveoli.Tutto this implies that milk production increases with the needs of the child. Once you understand that you do not produce more milk drinking tea or beer as old legends tell us it is important to ensure that the baby receives the proper nutrition, so try to follow the same balanced diet you did during pregnancy, making sure it contains sufficient quantities of protein and calcium. Your energy requirements during lactation is higher than the pregnancy. You need 500 calories more each day compared to the diet than before. Avoid eating spicy foods may cause allergies and or may have a strong taste, the little unwelcome.
You may be thirsty than usual (during breastfeeding lose about half a liter of water), then often sip of 'water two to three liters per day or other liquids such as fruit juices, vegetable broths or the same milk. Remember that in case of intake of drinks such as tea, coffee and Coke, which contain caffeine, reaches the same hour in the milk product from you. Given that newborn babies have a less efficient your body to dispose of caffeine may be more irritable and have difficulty dormire.Ricordate also that everything you eat goes into the milk, even the alcohol that should not be assumed. Observe the reactions of the child. If you eat a food that seems to give him discomfort usually try to replace it with another equal nutritional value for a week.


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