Monday, June 21, 2010

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Weaning newborns , the first meals

E 'is time of weaning. For the first six months the only food for newborn babies was the milk, which is that of the mother or the artificial one more hours is not enough ', we must integrate it with other foods.

At what age did you wean babies? A ome mothers prefer to do it before, about four months (organizational reasons, the job incumbent) important as the recall Start pouring the pediatric population and not before and not later than six months instead continue with exclusive breastfeeding .

So now he needs little else and often manifests this need in a clear way. He looks at us with curiosity while we eat? He opens his mouth as if to eat? Maybe it's the right time to introduce new flavors.

The first need for baby food includes:
-teaspoon of plastic curved, usually loves to play
bibs-in-a large amount

-chair an unbreakable bowl for its jelly-

All 'we start with the beginning of cream of rice plus a bit' of breast milk or formula. The jelly should be lukewarm, not hot. Or you try the vegetables (zucchini, carrots, potatoes, beets, cauliflower) have been boiled to which you add a few tablespoons of cream of corn and tapioca with a little 'parmesan cheese and a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil. It will be fun watching his face when he tasted his first food. All 'start will probably be disgusted, then slowly take confidence. Just do not force it and respect his time. You can then proceed with the fruit: a mashed banana or apple boiled and pureed.

Once the child has become familiar with the meals blend you can start making him eat the food into small pieces. We introduce the fish senza spine (soglliola, merluzzo), il pane, la pasta lo yogurt. Anche la carne: alcuni pediatri consigliano di partire da otto mesi altri da sei. In ogni caso deve essere cotta e ancora frullata o omogeneizzata. All'inizio va bene il pollo, il tacchino, il coniglio.

Piano piano si introducono cibi nuovi. Non ci sono molti limiti se non il buon senso e l'andare per gradi. Alcuni alimenti però sono ancora da evitare fino al compimento dell' anno di vita:
-uovo crudo o non ben cotto
-bevande zuccherate, possono essere dannose per i dentini
-sale, non si deve aggiungerlo nei cibi fino al compimento dei 12 mesi
-niente cibi con grassi
-te o caffè
-sughi pronte o salse, contengono sale e conservanti
-frutta secca, possono provocare allergie