Saturday, December 25, 2010

Congratulation Letter For Pregnancy

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Windows 7 64 Bit Dell Optiplex 620 Sound Drivers

Stop smoking! (Part 1 of 2)

three months, twenty-two days, two hours, thirty minutes: this is the time elapsed since my last cigarette. Yes, I quit smoking. Why write this? In order to be of help to all those who have half a mind to say stop to this foolish habit, a little thought to those who have it done so many times but then let themselves be lulled by the idea of \u200b\u200brelaxing fumarne another. I want to tell my experience. I need a little bit me, a little glad I could be of help to someone.

all began November 7, 1992 at Zed (the ancestor of Grace for the uninitiated): usual Sunday afternoon in the toxic cloud of disco and the very first cigarette. Wow, that buzz! Riproviamoci! And down to the Moor of Santa Maria with me 'covers. From there began my relationship with the lady nicotine. Close relationship, a close but luckily stopped abruptly after 18 years September 4, 2010. Why all these dates? Because for a smoker everything is important set of poles can help. Not me talking but a valuable little book that I found one day by chance I see the Sofia with something in his hand and gives it to me: look at him and was "a little guide to revive the non-smoker from the ashes of the smoker." A sign of destiny? Pure coincidence? Well, I do not know but then I got into serious consideration the idea of \u200b\u200bquitting smoking.

Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of illness and death in most developed countries: this follows the introduction of the guide. And it starts well with the booklet, I thought. Many more victims annual HIV, TB, accidents car and at work, suicides and homicides combined. 30% of cancer deaths are tobacco related. 83,000 Italians die every year from causes related to smoking. I would say that may not suffice as the first reason?

In the next post I will speak of the importance of "sticks" to fix the path to freedom from smoking.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Belgian Waffle Maker Notre Dame

prevention ...

Dear students,
this week will be the hottest for the academic. Wednesday, 22 fact, the bill could become law Gelmini. According to the most optimistic forecasts, Dec. 14 just passed, it will be remembered as the day of the series of Hello Kitty in comparison to 22. The history books will not go to print until that day.

Meanwhile, a growing bitterness the release of all detained in the event of 14, so that Maurizio Gasparri , pdl leader of the Senate, talks about preventive action against the protesters. Regret in the ranks of the majority and the opposition, an idea so brilliant that arrive too late. The speed, in fact makes it impossible to implement these preventive actions. The ideal would be to act on a forecast of events taking place during the academic year just started and beatings comfortably at home every student. Or you could calculate an average of events in which a student may participate during his career and batons at registration. These si aggiungeranno le manganellate extra da distribuire all'atto dell'iscrizione ad ogni anno fuori corso.

Invece delle sciocchezze che vanno dicendo i vari Cascini e Palamara, qui ci vuole un 7 aprile. Mi riferisco a quel giorno del 1978 (in realtà era il 1979 ) in cui furono arrestati tanti capi dell'estrema sinistra collusi con il terrorismo . Questo in sintesi il discorso di Gasparri. La posta in gioco è alta, dal momento che la scorsa manifestazione è costata alla capitale la bellezza di 20 milioni di euro in danneggiamenti ad opere pubbliche e proprietà privata. Si è parlato di infiltrati, di criminali e di disperati. Quello che è certo è that if this is not the way to manifest, it is also true that with a sold journalism, television and a slave manipulation of facts and people continues, the only way to be talked about is to make a big mess . Though eventually speaks only of the casino, if it is right to demonstrate peacefully or not, who does the damage and who pays them. As for the bill, it will arrive tomorrow morning in plenary armored without a presenter, without taking into account all the protests so far and move without even discussing any of the hundreds of amendments tabled by the opposition.

Good study
the pizza carrier

Friday, December 17, 2010

What Do Delta Gammas Do For Initiation

the top five insults

Dear friends,
welcome at the annual symposium on 'insult , free service from this blog, sponsored by the Ministry of Heritage and Culture. Be warned: send the kids to bed and do not break off!
In this episode, the long-awaited top five of the insult.
fifth we have the timeless:

5) asshole / a;
an insult neutral, medium-size, unisex, suitable for all occasions. Clearly expresses your disappointment on the moral conduct of the interlocutor, too calmly.

4) dickhead;
chanting to a very beloved part of the body, alluding to a lack of intelligence, its the male member. Insult essential when you are attacked, is also good to emphasize the lack of delicacy in acting and relating with others.

3) son of a bitch;
students are reminded that insult women, you should use the Rule of the next. To insult a man it refers to the mother or the woman closest to him. After the mother's sister is popular, followed closely by her aunt. Using this expression against a woman is not wrong, but is considered redundant and therefore to be avoided, as the next woman is herself. He thus replaced the term motherfucker, with a simpler and practically equivalent: bitch.

2) black, jew, fag, Communist ...
customs clearance at the start of terms deemed politically incorrect until recently, more and more complicit in the appearances of characters such as melon, Mussolini and the widow Almirante, Italian television.

1) stoned;
considered an insult in the past, media entities, purchased insulting since our power has become a country of old, where instilling doubt about the mental faculties of their party becomes the best to discredit him. Not to be confused with the word "asshole", now scomparso come insulto e diventato un termine politico conteso da centro-destra e centro-sinistra.

Da notare la scomparsa del termine " fascista " inteso come insulto fino a pochi anni fa. Numerose indagini scientifiche autorevoli, hanno dimostrato la trasformazione di questo vecchio insulto in un complimento. Uno studio sul campo ha dimostrato che i coraggiosi tutori dell'ordine ripresi in questo video mentre difendono la libertà e la democrazia:

al grido della folla che li chiamava "fascisti", sono arrossiti come scolarette e hanno ringraziato timidamente.

Buona day
the pizza carrier.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Velveeta And Rotel Pasta On Commercial

2010 Finally an effective treatment against athlete's foot!

Dear friends,
Julian Assange this week, the Australian journalist, founder of Wikileaks, the international nonprofit organization specializing in the publication of "indiscretions" turned himself in to London police Tuesday after becoming the most wanted man in the world.

against him, no evidence directly connected with the recent shoot of its portal, but a much more deplorable and unjustifiable accusation of rape. How do you defend an accused of rape? not matter whether you are an extravagance all Swedish called "surprise sex" and that is equivalent to rape, despite expected that the rapist is brought naked and smeared with Nutella in a cream cake in the middle of a slumber party chock full of consenting women that if they have returned all night ...

Clearly the British government will send him to Sweden, a country which has made the charge and issued the international arrest warrant, from there, with the excuse of checking whether the American Swedish saunas are effective on athlete's foot as the Swedish saunas Swedish Assange the poor will be transferred temporarily in the United States, where he accidentally be held on charges of espionage, McCarthyism and epistaxis.

The world breaks, hackers are targeting companies that fight Wikileaks, many shouting for a boycott of the critics, Putin also scandalized by this so openly pretextual arrest. The only comment that it is precisely the United States, which have caught the heaviest accusations.

According to reports made public, the United States in April 2003 have boasted a supertestimone that ensured the presence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraqi territory, just to begin the occupation army outposts and arrange for the next campaign Iraq or the Gulf War. In addition, the U.S. government would put in place some accordi con importanti esponenti del partito Baath (tra cui addirittura il generale Al-Rawi, capo delle forze armate irachene), per spartirsi il Paese a tavolino senza passare per il solito governo fantoccio al solo scopo di intascare molti più soldi all'insaputa tanto degli iracheni, quanto degli americani.

Anzi, no, questa era parte della trama di Green Zone con Matt Damon. Bel film, comunque!

e adesso se mi permettete, tre comunicazioni di servizio:
Max , per arrivare alla traversa Mandrolisai, vai in via Mandrolisai e cerca una traversa (forse hai ragione, questo potrebbe dare il colpo di grazia al mio blog).
Diego , via Basilicata è vicino Via parsley.
Riki, I love cutting onions. 'm Going crazy. I had my way, chopping onions all day!

With this over and out.
the pizza carrier

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Diabetic Breakthrough Cure

Death Penalty!

Dear friends,

jelly Nazi His Holiness has another shot of her. In a press conference on the output of his new book, soon to lie packed in festive multi-colored paper under the Christmas tree along with the last of any good Italian Vespa, will explain why "homosexuality can never be morally right .

Gheillare is a sin, it tells our Mussolini when he declares that "it is better fascist fag" and our prime minister who says "Better watch girls being gay, "but I would like to explore the theme of sin, because the Christian tradition is full of characters but not to sin or to sin the next, would give his life.

Santa Maria Goretti , for example, become holy only twelve years for having preferred death to rape, or Santa Rita da Cascia , which ha pregato (e ottenuto!) che Gesù le portasse via i suoi due figli, prima che vendicassero la morte del padre.

Riepilogando in forma matematica:

(gay = peccatore) e (meglio morto che peccatore) implica (meglio morto che gay).

Se sei un buon cristiano, chiedi anche tu la pena di morte per i gay!

Buon Natale
il portapizza

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Alexia Texas Bleck Gaj

There is a limit to everything.

Cari amici, 
dopo l'episodio delle foto scattate in aula alla Camera da Alessandra Mussolini, per immortalare il torbido caso Carfagna- Mouthpiece ... No. Come on, guys can not do it ... too!

I refuse.
the pizza carrier

Monday, November 15, 2010

Chave De AtivaÇao Sound Blaster X-fi Mb

a little 'heart

Dear friends,
last week we talked about so much (too much) Mr. Califano which is in crisis and called for the law Bachelli. The annuity is € 24 000 per year and is intended for those public figures who have brought fame to our country and live in conditions of discomfort. Er actually Caliph is indigent, after a bad fall down the stairs and fractured three vertebrae, but after the outraged public reaction to the news of the request for money, has done promptly reversed, denying the obvious. Like any other public figure, you say, pulling the stone (the stone pulls ahahahaha ... sorry!) And hides the hand, but this time is different.

Apart from the usual media carousel that has seen him host a Striscia la Notizia Domenica5 and saying they do not want money from anyone, the problem remains. In fact we can not expect a public figure who has achieved a certain standard of life, back to pizza and figs. After villone bought a farm, we can not expect to sell everything and move to a small apartment in Trastevere for 60 meters paintings. But if it remains in the country, will continue to have large costs. For example dust. In the countryside is so, open a window, and dusts it all. Dust everywhere! Eccheccazzo, those least 24 000 euro a year just not enough to solve the problem of dust. A little 'heart, come on!

Good evening
the pizza carrier

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Stranger Films Gey Man

Something to know before planning a baby

A pregnancy is a wonderful thing, is an important moment in the life of a woman whose incredible transformation takes place both mental and physical. Just because you build a new life need to be careful, some behaviors should be adopted. Here a small list of things to know before planning pregnancy.

Improve your diet:
you need a balanced diet of at least three meals per day with foods from all four food groups, vitamins and minerals essential for good health . Two of the most important nutrients for a healthy pregnancy are calcium and folic acid, a good multivitamin will provide you the right amount of both. Reduce caffeine intake. Studies show that caffeine delays conception and is related to infertility. (Note: Caffeine can help (in some men) to stimulate the mobility of sperm).

Raggiungete un peso sano:
raggiungete il vostro peso ideale prima di tentare di concepire. Studi hanno dimostrato che le madri sottopeso tendono ad avere bambini di basso peso alla nascita. Assicuratevi quindi di non andare sotto il vostro peso ma nemmeno sopra perché sopraggiungerebbero altre complicazioni. Inoltre un peso giusto regolarizza il ciclo, facilitando il calcolo dei giorni fertili .

Fate Esercizio:
mettervi in forma almeno tre mesi prima di concepire (idealmente da 3 a 12 mesi) rende più facile mantenere uno stile di vita attivo durante la gravidanza, e aiuta durante il travaglio. L'esercizio aerobico può migliorare il vostro umore e il livello di energia e vi aiuta a raggiungere un peso sano prima di rimanere incinta . Potrete anche essere meno vulnerabili alle oscillazioni ormonali. Esercizi pre-gravidanza per tornare in forma includono camminare, jogging, corsa, nuoto e step. (Nota: Iniziate lentamente e non sovraccaricate il corpo, dovete sempre consultare il medico prima di iniziare qualsiasi nuovo programma di allenamento.).

No ad alcol, droghe, fumo:
c'è bisogno da ricordarlo? Forse sì; è bene sapere che molti studi have shown that smoking, drinking and drugs are consumed activities related to miscarriages, low birth weight children and behavioral problems later in life of the unborn. Stop before attempting to get pregnant is the best.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Watch Kite Anime Director's Cut Online



Monday, October 25, 2010

How Much Does A Bmw Reupholstered

Mission Statement

Dear workers,
after shot of Marchionne by Fazio, who did turn up their noses at all the politicians, trade unionists , workers, thieves and whores of Italy, the spokesman for pdl Capezzone states:

"is a good thing that Italian politics has the foresight to support Sergio Marchionne, who is proving to be a courageous innovator"

I wonder where innovation. Put it in the ass to work has always been the secret intention of all governments (left or right makes no difference) for twenty years now. Maybe innovation is really a declaration of intent!

Down with hypocrisy! Long live the government!

thanks for the donuts
the pizza carrier

Thursday, October 14, 2010

When Is Tech Deck Live Going To Open

I'm still here

So you call the new documentary film by Joaquin Phoenix who absolutely must go and see. It is also our present condition, that we have not been swallowed by a chasm of space and time to find ourselves on the set of ancient Rome with SPQR Christian De Sica and Massimo Boldi.
We are still here, only that we are very quiet because we like to do big things on the sly and then let you explode in your face at the right time.

said, is not yet the right time. But given the pressing your complaints to our obstinate silence seemed right to break it with a few lines.

adore you!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Phlegm Taste Like Blood

bombs on Italian

Dear compatriots,
after the terrible news of the death of four mountaineers on a mission of peace in Afghanistan , Defence Minister Ignazio La Russa aims to equip the fighters with bombs Italian proposal will be evaluated by Parliament in the coming days.
Nothing to plead for Born , although the Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen , in a statement issued by the agencies in the past few hours, he must clarify that I personally prefer the cannoli.

thanks for the support
the pizza carrier

Friday, October 8, 2010

Blue And Gold Masterbation

The right shoes for newborns

When children begin to take its first steps, when they rise from the ground to crawl and then walk it is time to buy the shoes first. Usually everything is all 'about the 10-13 months of life of the small, but it depends from child to child. C 'is the one who starts walking at 9 months to a year and those who even at 14-15 months. Do not worry if your little tarda rispetto ai suoi compagni, ognuno ha i suoi tempi.

All' inizio quando i piccoli sono ancora neonati in vendita troviamo scarpine morbide, adatte più che altro a coprire i piedini dal freddo, non servono per camminare visto che sono veramente leggere, molte volte fatte anche di stoffa.
Quali sono le scarpe giuste per i bambini che muovono i primi passi?
Di solito le scarpine buone a questo scopo devono avere le seguenti caratteristiche:
-tra tallone e parte centrale della punta delle dita se tiriamo una linea deve essere retta, perpendicolare all' asse del pavimento
-le scarpine devono essere morbide se si piegano
-punta and must have a reinforced heel that allows the child to use it as a "grip" at the time of the 'lifted'

Unfortunately the market for children's shoes are very expensive. It is rare to find buy shoes first steps that reach 70 € , an absurdity. How do I save? Go to flea markets. Many banks offer stock of the most renowned brands such as Balducci , Mites, Chicco etc ..., you save a lot. For numbers on the child would be better because at least always try to 'start the shoe must be the right size, but obviously will take very little considering the growth continues.

In ogni caso indicativamente un bimbo maschio all' età di 10-12 mesi indossa un 21-23 di scarpe, più piccolo per le femminucce.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

2010 Dog Dies Of Leptospirosis In Dallas

hunting outing of Iron: the whole truth ...

Dear Friends homosexual and non
this week the magazine Vanity Fair comes out with the cover that you see in the picture. Now, I do not give a damn if 'this guy is gay, straight, bisexual, transgender ... Sticazzi! But I had to write this post because it seems that the basis of this article there is a stupid mistake, exploited properly to get a little 'free of sensationalism, to be sold to a distracted public.
Of course this is just rumors and not confirmed as such, but as you will read below, very plausible.

It all started last month, when a reporter met Mr. Sarda Union Iron Sant'Avendrace while walking on a hot day in late summer, with lots of flip-flops and ice cream in hand.
journalist, recognizing an artist of international reputation around his city, he thought well to ask him some questions to document the encounter in an article.

Now some of you Chicca knew? A person really delicious! Craft washed away Quirra box market. Hours and salary to be impossible hungry! Then one day he discovered that his talent: the ties. He started to pack it for friends and relatives, then rumors began to circulate and opened a shop in Corso Vittorio Emanuele. It appears that his ties are so beautiful, your voice will be spread also in the "continent", hence the interest of Tiziano Ferro, always a man of great taste and fashion lover.

So the question: How come you're in Cagliari?
The singer would have said: I came to get me a tie Chicca!
unleashing the uproar in above.

Thanks for your attention.
the pizza carrier

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Who Do Have Black Pople Yellow Eyes


Dear dog lovers,
the British newspaper the Daily Mail published rumors about the new film of Jessica Alba. After the statements to the Scarlet magazine, no more than nine months ago, fans of the South American star had lost hope of seeing her naked. The beautiful Jessica
defends itself by stating that his "no" category was reported to the naked free and vulgar. This time we are in the presence of an action movie worthy of the worst nineties, complete with a cast overpaid, becere jokes, forced dialogue, shooting a go-go joints and suspended between the limits of the impossible and the limits of the Mincio. All would, of course, as the film in question, which s'intitolerà Machete, has been preceded by a fake trailer released with the release of Tarantino's Grindhouse, from which it takes the setting and style of an old b- movie. Robert Rodriguez, the director, came out in the spirit deeply enriched by the direction of Spy Kids, did have an exceptional cast consists of Robert De Niro, Steven Sigal, Don Johnson (a priest?), Linsay Loan, Michelle Rodriguez (who among other things, she played the rebellious military Avatar) and Jessica Alba naked.
According to early rumors, the nude Jessica Alba would not be different from 3.4 billion of other naked women crowding the planet. The staff who had the good fortune to attend the filming, he could confirm the following:
1) Jessica Alba has 2 (two) breasts, a right and left;
2) each breast has a nipple
3) biddi ;
4) is the only fruit of the potato.
That said, I think I've written enough news / bullshit to justify the presence of a nude picture on my blog.

Happy Saturday to all.
the pizza carrier

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Monclerwoodbury Commons Stores

Sandrino's in trouble! Read

Dear friends,
big trouble for six Italians in that of London, during the pope's visit as soon as completed. Six employees of the pizzeria Sandrino 's, the famous London landmark Italian chain founded by a gaggio of St. Michael, were arrested by Scotland Yard after an interception machine. Today
denial and the release of six men, including top police officials said in a press conference not a "real threat".
After careful investigations, it was rebuilt the unfortunate misunderstanding. It seems that some Swiss guards who are passionate about pizza and mullet eggplant, had called the pizzeria where they work the accused. After placing your order, they asked if his holiness also gradisse an eggplant pizza and mullet. The pontiff said he would prefer pizza with asparagus, but not without sauce and mozzarella. At this point, the employee's Sandrino the phone would say,
"custu Olira skeptical sparau pope!"
setting off alarms at Scotland Yard. A
incident concluded, the investigators brought their apology to the alleged terrorists and ordered two sandwiches with roast pork and mayonnaise and six iknuse. One of the accused would have said "do twenty euros round!" sealing the end of the accident.

For non the SARD, the phrase has a double interpretation: "This Pope only wants asparagus" and "absolutely must shoot the pope."
good Sunday
the pizza carrier

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Myth For Itchy Right Ear


Dear friends of pizza carrier ,
this year I forgot to let you know that summer's here!
As you know, not everyone has a television at home and someone may have lost this incredible news.
If you do not watch the national news, in fact, you may not notice it and remain victims of the heat. It 'sure to drink plenty of water and eat lots of fruits in season, do not leave the house early in the afternoon, especially when wearing coats and furs. Also remember that leaving your dog in a car parked in the sun, in minutes you can understand where the term hot dog.
This year there is an interesting novelty. With the summer came GAGGIOPOLI .
Gaggiopoli is a story in episodes, written and conceived by Maurizio Cocco and illustrated by Emily Serreli , published in installments on Facebook since June 1, 2010 and still in progress. To learn more click here .
It 's very important to read Gaggiopoli in what has been scientifically proven to reduce the effect of callella summer, and stimulates diuresis, you will not be SHCOPPIATI A SHCHIAFFIIIII!

the pizza carrier

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

How To Word A Money Bridal Shower

alternative holiday

Dear friends of pizza carrier ,
controesodo in period, I was thinking to leave and in particular the possible destinations. Looking up the sky tg 24 pictures of Gaddafi's visit in our beautiful country, I flashed a nice idea: Libya.
The Great Republic Socialist People's Libyan Arab , with an area of \u200b\u200b1,760,000 km ², is the fourth African country to the surface, the seventeenth in the world. According to Wikipedia coexist peacefully within the country five ethnic groups: Arabs, Berbers, Tebou, Tuareg and Uninabited. In particular Uninabited deal most of the territory.
The problem is that not know the language or the customs of the place. With this background, in a foreign country may fool or - even worse - you risk offending the strong sensitivity of the natives. 'S why I decided to take a leaf from Gheddy, leader since 1969. If he does not know the fashion of the place ...
So, first of all I bought five hundred Bibles to give away around. I am not a Christian, but I come from a country where the 91.6% of the population is Christian. What I understand, when a Libyan goes abroad, he loves talking about his religion and presumably when he welcomes a visitor to his country, he expects that this will do the same! Thus, distribute Bibles around Tripoli.
Then I thought of going to a Koranic school and tell my personal theory about the prophet Muhammad . After a binge of gigantic pig and cannonau the other day I dreamed that Muhammad is not dead return from the pilgrimage of farewell, but fled to France with his nine wives and his daughter Fatima, to meet Jesus and Cicciobombo Cannoniere . I think they'll like very much my story.
Then I will invite them a convertirsi al cristianesimo, dicendogli che la loro religione è sbagliata perchè sì . 
Per quanto riguarda le donne , in Libia è un po' come da noi: basta che paghi e ne puoi avere quante vuoi. La condizione della donna è importante per valutare lo stato di salute di una nazione. Infatti le donne libiche vengono scelte fin da piccole, misurate con dei calibri speciali che determinano se hanno le giuste proporzioni. Nell'età dello sviluppo, purtroppo, parte del raccolto va perso. Alcune non sviluppano abbastanza seno o non crescono abbastanza in altezza. I fianchi poi... non puoi mai dire come diventeranno i fianchi di una ragazza. E' un casino! Però vedendo le Amazons of Gheddy, I believe that in this they are far ahead of us. Libya did not make a Rosi Bindi, but I'm sure if they had, the Gheddy insult every day for at least twice. As our Prime Minister, but no respectable behind who are offended!
Tuareg When I ask if I want to sleep in a tent, I will tell you proudly that they are too attached to the traditions of my homeland and build a building of six floors concrete depleted their rivers with illegal labor.
As for the food, I fall into the easy mistake of tasting the excellent local cuisine, but I'll take a pig dairy for each day of stay and roast them - one day - on the square in front of mosques. Even the wine I'll take it from home and I'm going to offer it to passers-by.
I'm going to pack your bags!

ADDIOOOOOO! The pizza carrier

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Harley Davidsondecals Vintage Archives

Knight Hurried

Dear friends,
for December will be three years from the publication of my novel. This blog, however, has already made them three years in June.
Writing a book is a long and tiring, but it gives a lot of satisfaction!
When the argument, then, is so exciting ...

The city of Cagliari is old and young, multiethnic, conservative, nostalgic, dreamy, dirty, sparkling acacia ... An ideal setting for a novel dedicated to irony. When the hero is a pizza carrier, the union seems to be perfect: a view from below, changing a setting and charm that surrounds a world closed in on itself, that sooner or later faces the right time to our bring us dinner. Something that we are not interested at the moment, but sooner or later makes us ask: how will the life of a pizza carrier? What will he think of people who brings dinner and waiting for him sitting at the table? What dangers will face in his run around up and down the city?

In two words, my novel was born that way. Surely with the desire to see it published, but not for making money: it costs 10.99 and you can also download free . In short, more a whim than a publishing project!

But back to the topic of this post (and this blog!): the pizza carrier.
This strange man seems to tickle the fancy of all, so that from 24 January 2009 on private radio station Radio Press Cagliari, during transmission Topping Were told the adventures of another great pizza carrier Cagliari: the knight rushed , with the voices of Alessandro Valentini and Elio Round Arthemalle and the opening song of Sassari group Lanalosgia , another independent project dedicated to the figure of pizza carrier.

Enjoy and have fun!
the pizza carrier

Friday, August 6, 2010

Paintball Silencer Legalitycanada

Finally some good news!

Dear friends,
Education Minister Mariastella Gelmini has finally done something good: stirred the waters for a proposal that at least four years languishing on the desks of the secretary of the University of Insubria Varese . It 's ' essential academic recognition to the politician most significant of the last 30 years "which, with its" incredible ability to mass communication "has made possible the" Miracle League ": The honorary degree in Communication Sciences with Umberto Bossi.

the original article ... and while the game rages on facebook "bounce the underground," published by his worthy son, Italy is enjoying the hot sun, inspired by the end of this global crisis, which as we have barely touched, he did not sweating the little our politicians to ensure that our country not only maintained intact the threshold for employment, but also the value of the currency and thus the purchasing power.

good evening
the pizza carrier

Friday, July 30, 2010

Homemade Pontoon Boat Rod Holders

Still Radio Star Killed Everybody

Hey you.

You have a good summer? Sunny beaches and cocktails with little umbrellas?
All right.
Tomorrow and the day after the afternoon attack on the radio, because we're on Radio 19 (or streaming here ).
Tomorrow: 17 hours
day after tomorrow: 14 hours

not miss the hottest of the season!
Second only to "Velone.

Monday, July 19, 2010

What Happeneed To Heather Deep

atopic dermatitis in children and infants of vitamin E

Aumentare il livello di minerali e vitamina E nei bambini neonati riduce il rischio che sviluppino dermatite atopica di oltre il 50%. E’ quanto emerge da una ricerca condotta dagli esperti della Kyunmg Hee University di Seoul (corea) su un campione 420 bambini di 5 anni: coloro che dalle analisi del sangue presentavano maggiori livelli di acido folico, ferro e vitamina E avevano rispettivamente il 61% 63% e 67% di rischio in meno di incorrere nella dermatite atopica o il 74% 65% 78% di combattere i sintomi efficacemente alone.

Research has shown that the presence of atopic dermatitis is reduced if they are ingested some micronutrients such as vitamin E (-67% risk), folic acid (-63%), iron ( -61%) and beta-carotene (-56%).

Atopic dermatitis is a type of eczema that affects mainly children under 5 years of age, is not contagious but it is very annoying. Comes in the form of redness, crusting, flaking and micro-is probably of hereditary origin.

The discovery revolutionized the approach to the disorder in school age: the disease in Italy in children is diagnosed very late because of lack of information regarding the disease itself. Atopic dermatitis and psoriasis are, in fact, the less "depth" between the attacks on our skin.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Coprocessor Driver Windows 7

The new audiobook!

Dear friends,
as you can see from the photo at right shows me that, last Christmas was a little 'luck. I bought this dress all swanky, very simple, but it cost a bang. I wear-and-I was modestly own good, then I went to a minimalist restaurant in New York on 5th Avenue.

get there and begin to bring all sorts of strange dishes: stuffed olives, salted capers, cherry stalk in olive pomace oil ... when they arrived the seeds of apple marinated sbiddiata I was wrong and went looking for a toilet.

Now, in New York is a bit 'as Quartu Sant Elena: Even the coolest restaurant gets a bath is a toilet. So we hoping not to get by hepatitis A or B, or C, in short all the ABC's and I realize that there was no toilet paper. I go out and try

cabinets or closets or chenesoio. I find this tire in the Arctic Circle Arctic aqquattato behind a pillar, trying to sell me a book by an Italian loser ... Simone Ruggiu, or something like that.

try to escape, climbing up a drainpipe. Check the 32nd floor of the Chrysler Building and the one behind.

Finally I yelled

and he said

so I fell, I pulled the dress as photos and a few pages of the book I used in place of toilet paper.

What does all this with the new audiobook the story of Giovanna Mulas Jana Sa Reina "read by Simone Ruggeri and published today on PB? That unless We put a picture of a Where's My Car, the cocks who click on the link and you sipped all this shit! Good evening

The pizza carrier and her friend Scarlett Johansson

Monday, June 21, 2010

Free Online

Weaning newborns , the first meals

E 'is time of weaning. For the first six months the only food for newborn babies was the milk, which is that of the mother or the artificial one more hours is not enough ', we must integrate it with other foods.

At what age did you wean babies? A ome mothers prefer to do it before, about four months (organizational reasons, the job incumbent) important as the recall Start pouring the pediatric population and not before and not later than six months instead continue with exclusive breastfeeding .

So now he needs little else and often manifests this need in a clear way. He looks at us with curiosity while we eat? He opens his mouth as if to eat? Maybe it's the right time to introduce new flavors.

The first need for baby food includes:
-teaspoon of plastic curved, usually loves to play
bibs-in-a large amount

-chair an unbreakable bowl for its jelly-

All 'we start with the beginning of cream of rice plus a bit' of breast milk or formula. The jelly should be lukewarm, not hot. Or you try the vegetables (zucchini, carrots, potatoes, beets, cauliflower) have been boiled to which you add a few tablespoons of cream of corn and tapioca with a little 'parmesan cheese and a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil. It will be fun watching his face when he tasted his first food. All 'start will probably be disgusted, then slowly take confidence. Just do not force it and respect his time. You can then proceed with the fruit: a mashed banana or apple boiled and pureed.

Once the child has become familiar with the meals blend you can start making him eat the food into small pieces. We introduce the fish senza spine (soglliola, merluzzo), il pane, la pasta lo yogurt. Anche la carne: alcuni pediatri consigliano di partire da otto mesi altri da sei. In ogni caso deve essere cotta e ancora frullata o omogeneizzata. All'inizio va bene il pollo, il tacchino, il coniglio.

Piano piano si introducono cibi nuovi. Non ci sono molti limiti se non il buon senso e l'andare per gradi. Alcuni alimenti però sono ancora da evitare fino al compimento dell' anno di vita:
-uovo crudo o non ben cotto
-bevande zuccherate, possono essere dannose per i dentini
-sale, non si deve aggiungerlo nei cibi fino al compimento dei 12 mesi
-niente cibi con grassi
-te o caffè
-sughi pronte o salse, contengono sale e conservanti
-frutta secca, possono provocare allergie

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Should I Take Levaquin?

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Hurry because May 31, 2010 at 23:59 sfancula offer!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Snowmobile Wrecking Yard

Domenica pomeriggio:

The I know that you've heard / read, but in the remote case you had not done and you were here by chance, I remind you that this Sunday (9:05) play at MuMu in Via Balbi 4.
Maybe to make more effect I should have said that will play Parenthetical Girls and Ghosts + Former us in the opening ... but I get the idea, right?

It starts at 16:00! Who does not magically finds himself with less hair Pippo Baudo (and, believe it or not, is not a good situation).

Besos & Abrazos. & Cerveza.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Giant Bottle Of Patron

risks of bisphenol A, the plastic used in baby bottles and children's toys

Si torna a parlare del Bisfenolo A e dei sui rischi . Si tratta di una sostanza plastica contenuta nella maggiorparte di biberon e prodotti per bambini neonati come biberon, bottiglie di plastica, giocattoli e stoviglie infrangibili.

Un recentissimo articolo pubblicato su Nature, qui potete leggerlo interamente , fa tornare all' attenzione pubblica circa la sua tossicità. Stare a contatto con il Bisfenolo A può portare allo sviluppo di cancro alla prostata e al cervello oltre a favorire ritardi nello sviluppo dei neonati . Il Bisfenolo A non è the only component observed for health risks, there are also phthalates, already banned in toys made in EU , but there are no guarantees as to those "false" without CE mark for bisphenol A the evidence is not overwhelming, but the precautionary principle - after some studies in which disease was associated with male sexual development in the fetus and the decline of fertility in adult humans - has led many countries such as Denmark and Canada (and producers) to to ban the manufacture of baby bottles. And the regulatory agencies of the old continent are developing ad hoc recommendations. Although this study

dated 2006, linking the exposure Bisphenol to increase development of prostate cancer. American chemical companies that produce the plastic component, however, deny the offending studies, according to them the fact that bisphenol inject under the skin in experiments with mice instead of orally as it is for newborn babies in contact with the bottle is misleading .

However, if the Bisphenol A is suspected that affect the proper development of the reproductive system, the question is more 'high regard for that are already banned phthalates in toys in Europe.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Cyst Between My Breasts

From the windmill!

Dear friends,
with great pride and pride, I announce the closure of the dangerous portal ad opera dei coraggiosissimi finanzieri cagliaritani che vedete nella foto qui sopra. ( l'articolo originale )

Il giornale che pubblica la notizia (l'unione sarda) si fregia di aver avviato l'inchiesta con un articolo sulla pirateria online. Se andrete a leggere la pagina sull'oscuramento di linkstreaming, potrete facilmente immaginare quanto accurato doveva essere! Frasi come: " avrebbero acquisito i film da canali ancora sconosciuti, li avrebbero caricati sul portale rendendoli così accessibili a tutti " la dicono lunga. 

Su questi portali (ma sarebbe più corretto parlare di forum o - in questo caso- di blog) not loaded films of dubious origin, but published only links to video sharing sites like YouTube, for instance. The links are always the same. The thousands of Web TV that there are in the network, goes round and round offering the same stuff.
illegally uploaded movies on youtube (and others) by unruly members, that a simple request of the holder of copyright will be deleted, with slap on the ears, you rascal, who at best, a repeat offender, we will cancel the account.

Copyright? course is violated. Certainly it is not legal. Not even fair. People arrives, load a movie on the Internet, everyone looking at him, someone makes us a penny (two cents, not billions of euros!) for publishing the link ...

I'm not saying it is right, but the world is going well and you can not do anything. You want to fight against the windmills! If I want to see the latest episodes of my favorite American TV series, without waiting for months without pay € 50 (minimo!) a month for sky, without having to pay € 14 a month for mediaset premium, without waiting for years, commercial breaks, to sip fixed hours of its broadcast networks, helping to enrich it (if possible) even more, the solution is a webtv hang out, see them whenever you want, how you want, for free, without interruption (except the infamous 54 minutes of megavideo!), dubbed or subtitled, with the opportunity to comment with others ...

The TV is dying. This is good news. I can not feel guilty if I agonize tool with which for years have managed to influence this country. I can not feel guilty if I refuse to buy something from the glittering shop raiset. If these people could do his job as a trader, offers us what we want at a lower price, rather than rant against the non- income. Instead of inventing ways to prevent the wind blowing.

We could offer the exclusive material on the porch of a webtv authorized and people swarming. It rifarebbero costs through advertising. The same mediaset, having regard to the request of users who search for and watch clips from shows on youtube, instead of organizing a section of its website to review the programs already aired, thanks to gaining back the replicas advertising space on board screen, do you prefer Case (vincendola!) to youtube.

At Sony, the market where they know something, have come up with the internet TV.

... and as times change, it is sad to see newspapers that bully that it has initiated a kidnapping and a darkening unfair, financiers and judges who act without knowing what it is ...

The only thing certain is that the six suspects are not convicted for a list of links in the public domain, but their names, ages and backgrounds, are published in the newspapers as if they were dangerous criminals.
A public pillory. A purge of the state. The proof that everything is forbidden to countermand.

Evidence that Money can buy justice!