Dear friends,
welcome at the annual symposium on 'insult , free service from this blog, sponsored by the Ministry of Heritage and Culture. Be warned: send the kids to bed and do not break off!
In this episode, the long-awaited top five of the insult.
fifth we have the timeless:
5) asshole / a;
an insult neutral, medium-size, unisex, suitable for all occasions. Clearly expresses your disappointment on the moral conduct of the interlocutor, too calmly.
4) dickhead;
chanting to a very beloved part of the body, alluding to a lack of intelligence, its the male member. Insult essential when you are attacked, is also good to emphasize the lack of delicacy in acting and relating with others.
3) son of a bitch;
students are reminded that insult women, you should use the Rule of the next. To insult a man it refers to the mother or the woman closest to him. After the mother's sister is popular, followed closely by her aunt. Using this expression against a woman is not wrong, but is considered redundant and therefore to be avoided, as the next woman is herself. He thus replaced the term motherfucker, with a simpler and practically equivalent: bitch.
2) black, jew, fag, Communist ...
customs clearance at the start of terms deemed politically incorrect until recently, more and more complicit in the appearances of characters such as melon, Mussolini and the widow Almirante, Italian television.
1) stoned;
considered an insult in the past, media entities, purchased insulting since our power has become a country of old, where instilling doubt about the mental faculties of their party becomes the best to discredit him. Not to be confused with the word "asshole", now scomparso come insulto e diventato un termine politico conteso da centro-destra e centro-sinistra.
Da notare la scomparsa del termine " fascista " inteso come insulto fino a pochi anni fa. Numerose indagini scientifiche autorevoli, hanno dimostrato la trasformazione di questo vecchio insulto in un complimento. Uno studio sul campo ha dimostrato che i coraggiosi tutori dell'ordine ripresi in questo video mentre difendono la libertà e la democrazia:
al grido della folla che li chiamava "fascisti", sono arrossiti come scolarette e hanno ringraziato timidamente.
Buona day
the pizza carrier.
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