Sunday, December 19, 2010

Belgian Waffle Maker Notre Dame

prevention ...

Dear students,
this week will be the hottest for the academic. Wednesday, 22 fact, the bill could become law Gelmini. According to the most optimistic forecasts, Dec. 14 just passed, it will be remembered as the day of the series of Hello Kitty in comparison to 22. The history books will not go to print until that day.

Meanwhile, a growing bitterness the release of all detained in the event of 14, so that Maurizio Gasparri , pdl leader of the Senate, talks about preventive action against the protesters. Regret in the ranks of the majority and the opposition, an idea so brilliant that arrive too late. The speed, in fact makes it impossible to implement these preventive actions. The ideal would be to act on a forecast of events taking place during the academic year just started and beatings comfortably at home every student. Or you could calculate an average of events in which a student may participate during his career and batons at registration. These si aggiungeranno le manganellate extra da distribuire all'atto dell'iscrizione ad ogni anno fuori corso.

Invece delle sciocchezze che vanno dicendo i vari Cascini e Palamara, qui ci vuole un 7 aprile. Mi riferisco a quel giorno del 1978 (in realtà era il 1979 ) in cui furono arrestati tanti capi dell'estrema sinistra collusi con il terrorismo . Questo in sintesi il discorso di Gasparri. La posta in gioco è alta, dal momento che la scorsa manifestazione è costata alla capitale la bellezza di 20 milioni di euro in danneggiamenti ad opere pubbliche e proprietà privata. Si è parlato di infiltrati, di criminali e di disperati. Quello che è certo è that if this is not the way to manifest, it is also true that with a sold journalism, television and a slave manipulation of facts and people continues, the only way to be talked about is to make a big mess . Though eventually speaks only of the casino, if it is right to demonstrate peacefully or not, who does the damage and who pays them. As for the bill, it will arrive tomorrow morning in plenary armored without a presenter, without taking into account all the protests so far and move without even discussing any of the hundreds of amendments tabled by the opposition.

Good study
the pizza carrier


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