Saturday, December 25, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Windows 7 64 Bit Dell Optiplex 620 Sound Drivers
Stop smoking! (Part 1 of 2)
three months, twenty-two days, two hours, thirty minutes: this is the time elapsed since my last cigarette. Yes, I quit smoking. Why write this? In order to be of help to all those who have half a mind to say stop to this foolish habit, a little thought to those who have it done so many times but then let themselves be lulled by the idea of \u200b\u200brelaxing fumarne another. I want to tell my experience. I need a little bit me, a little glad I could be of help to someone.
three months, twenty-two days, two hours, thirty minutes: this is the time elapsed since my last cigarette. Yes, I quit smoking. Why write this? In order to be of help to all those who have half a mind to say stop to this foolish habit, a little thought to those who have it done so many times but then let themselves be lulled by the idea of \u200b\u200brelaxing fumarne another. I want to tell my experience. I need a little bit me, a little glad I could be of help to someone.
all began November 7, 1992 at Zed (the ancestor of Grace for the uninitiated): usual Sunday afternoon in the toxic cloud of disco and the very first cigarette. Wow, that buzz! Riproviamoci! And down to the Moor of Santa Maria with me 'covers. From there began my relationship with the lady nicotine. Close relationship, a close but luckily stopped abruptly after 18 years September 4, 2010. Why all these dates? Because for a smoker everything is important set of poles can help. Not me talking but a valuable little book that I found one day by chance I see the Sofia with something in his hand and gives it to me: look at him and was "a little guide to revive the non-smoker from the ashes of the smoker." A sign of destiny? Pure coincidence? Well, I do not know but then I got into serious consideration the idea of \u200b\u200bquitting smoking.
Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of illness and death in most developed countries: this follows the introduction of the guide. And it starts well with the booklet, I thought. Many more victims annual HIV, TB, accidents car and at work, suicides and homicides combined. 30% of cancer deaths are tobacco related. 83,000 Italians die every year from causes related to smoking. I would say that may not suffice as the first reason?
In the next post I will speak of the importance of "sticks" to fix the path to freedom from smoking.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Belgian Waffle Maker Notre Dame
prevention ...
Dear students,
this week will be the hottest for the academic. Wednesday, 22 fact, the bill could become law Gelmini. According to the most optimistic forecasts, Dec. 14 just passed, it will be remembered as the day of the series of Hello Kitty in comparison to 22. The history books will not go to print until that day.
Meanwhile, a growing bitterness the release of all detained in the event of 14, so that Maurizio Gasparri , pdl leader of the Senate, talks about preventive action against the protesters. Regret in the ranks of the majority and the opposition, an idea so brilliant that arrive too late. The speed, in fact makes it impossible to implement these preventive actions. The ideal would be to act on a forecast of events taking place during the academic year just started and beatings comfortably at home every student. Or you could calculate an average of events in which a student may participate during his career and batons at registration. These si aggiungeranno le manganellate extra da distribuire all'atto dell'iscrizione ad ogni anno fuori corso.
Invece delle sciocchezze che vanno dicendo i vari Cascini e Palamara, qui ci vuole un 7 aprile. Mi riferisco a quel giorno del 1978 (in realtà era il 1979 ) in cui furono arrestati tanti capi dell'estrema sinistra collusi con il terrorismo . Questo in sintesi il discorso di Gasparri. La posta in gioco è alta, dal momento che la scorsa manifestazione è costata alla capitale la bellezza di 20 milioni di euro in danneggiamenti ad opere pubbliche e proprietà privata. Si è parlato di infiltrati, di criminali e di disperati. Quello che è certo è that if this is not the way to manifest, it is also true that with a sold journalism, television and a slave manipulation of facts and people continues, the only way to be talked about is to make a big mess . Though eventually speaks only of the casino, if it is right to demonstrate peacefully or not, who does the damage and who pays them. As for the bill, it will arrive tomorrow morning in plenary armored without a presenter, without taking into account all the protests so far and move without even discussing any of the hundreds of amendments tabled by the opposition.
Good study
the pizza carrier
Dear students,
this week will be the hottest for the academic. Wednesday, 22 fact, the bill could become law Gelmini. According to the most optimistic forecasts, Dec. 14 just passed, it will be remembered as the day of the series of Hello Kitty in comparison to 22. The history books will not go to print until that day.
Meanwhile, a growing bitterness the release of all detained in the event of 14, so that Maurizio Gasparri , pdl leader of the Senate, talks about preventive action against the protesters. Regret in the ranks of the majority and the opposition, an idea so brilliant that arrive too late. The speed, in fact makes it impossible to implement these preventive actions. The ideal would be to act on a forecast of events taking place during the academic year just started and beatings comfortably at home every student. Or you could calculate an average of events in which a student may participate during his career and batons at registration. These si aggiungeranno le manganellate extra da distribuire all'atto dell'iscrizione ad ogni anno fuori corso.
Invece delle sciocchezze che vanno dicendo i vari Cascini e Palamara, qui ci vuole un 7 aprile. Mi riferisco a quel giorno del 1978 (in realtà era il 1979 ) in cui furono arrestati tanti capi dell'estrema sinistra collusi con il terrorismo . Questo in sintesi il discorso di Gasparri. La posta in gioco è alta, dal momento che la scorsa manifestazione è costata alla capitale la bellezza di 20 milioni di euro in danneggiamenti ad opere pubbliche e proprietà privata. Si è parlato di infiltrati, di criminali e di disperati. Quello che è certo è that if this is not the way to manifest, it is also true that with a sold journalism, television and a slave manipulation of facts and people continues, the only way to be talked about is to make a big mess . Though eventually speaks only of the casino, if it is right to demonstrate peacefully or not, who does the damage and who pays them. As for the bill, it will arrive tomorrow morning in plenary armored without a presenter, without taking into account all the protests so far and move without even discussing any of the hundreds of amendments tabled by the opposition.
Good study
the pizza carrier
Friday, December 17, 2010
What Do Delta Gammas Do For Initiation
the top five insults
Dear friends,
welcome at the annual symposium on 'insult , free service from this blog, sponsored by the Ministry of Heritage and Culture. Be warned: send the kids to bed and do not break off!
In this episode, the long-awaited top five of the insult.
fifth we have the timeless:
5) asshole / a;
an insult neutral, medium-size, unisex, suitable for all occasions. Clearly expresses your disappointment on the moral conduct of the interlocutor, too calmly.
4) dickhead;
chanting to a very beloved part of the body, alluding to a lack of intelligence, its the male member. Insult essential when you are attacked, is also good to emphasize the lack of delicacy in acting and relating with others.
3) son of a bitch;
students are reminded that insult women, you should use the Rule of the next. To insult a man it refers to the mother or the woman closest to him. After the mother's sister is popular, followed closely by her aunt. Using this expression against a woman is not wrong, but is considered redundant and therefore to be avoided, as the next woman is herself. He thus replaced the term motherfucker, with a simpler and practically equivalent: bitch.
2) black, jew, fag, Communist ...
customs clearance at the start of terms deemed politically incorrect until recently, more and more complicit in the appearances of characters such as melon, Mussolini and the widow Almirante, Italian television.
1) stoned;
considered an insult in the past, media entities, purchased insulting since our power has become a country of old, where instilling doubt about the mental faculties of their party becomes the best to discredit him. Not to be confused with the word "asshole", now scomparso come insulto e diventato un termine politico conteso da centro-destra e centro-sinistra.
Da notare la scomparsa del termine " fascista " inteso come insulto fino a pochi anni fa. Numerose indagini scientifiche autorevoli, hanno dimostrato la trasformazione di questo vecchio insulto in un complimento. Uno studio sul campo ha dimostrato che i coraggiosi tutori dell'ordine ripresi in questo video mentre difendono la libertà e la democrazia:
Dear friends,
welcome at the annual symposium on 'insult , free service from this blog, sponsored by the Ministry of Heritage and Culture. Be warned: send the kids to bed and do not break off!
In this episode, the long-awaited top five of the insult.
fifth we have the timeless:
5) asshole / a;
an insult neutral, medium-size, unisex, suitable for all occasions. Clearly expresses your disappointment on the moral conduct of the interlocutor, too calmly.
4) dickhead;
chanting to a very beloved part of the body, alluding to a lack of intelligence, its the male member. Insult essential when you are attacked, is also good to emphasize the lack of delicacy in acting and relating with others.
3) son of a bitch;
students are reminded that insult women, you should use the Rule of the next. To insult a man it refers to the mother or the woman closest to him. After the mother's sister is popular, followed closely by her aunt. Using this expression against a woman is not wrong, but is considered redundant and therefore to be avoided, as the next woman is herself. He thus replaced the term motherfucker, with a simpler and practically equivalent: bitch.
2) black, jew, fag, Communist ...
customs clearance at the start of terms deemed politically incorrect until recently, more and more complicit in the appearances of characters such as melon, Mussolini and the widow Almirante, Italian television.
1) stoned;
considered an insult in the past, media entities, purchased insulting since our power has become a country of old, where instilling doubt about the mental faculties of their party becomes the best to discredit him. Not to be confused with the word "asshole", now scomparso come insulto e diventato un termine politico conteso da centro-destra e centro-sinistra.
Da notare la scomparsa del termine " fascista " inteso come insulto fino a pochi anni fa. Numerose indagini scientifiche autorevoli, hanno dimostrato la trasformazione di questo vecchio insulto in un complimento. Uno studio sul campo ha dimostrato che i coraggiosi tutori dell'ordine ripresi in questo video mentre difendono la libertà e la democrazia:
al grido della folla che li chiamava "fascisti", sono arrossiti come scolarette e hanno ringraziato timidamente.
Buona day
the pizza carrier.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Velveeta And Rotel Pasta On Commercial
2010 Finally an effective treatment against athlete's foot!
Dear friends,
Julian Assange this week, the Australian journalist, founder of Wikileaks, the international nonprofit organization specializing in the publication of "indiscretions" turned himself in to London police Tuesday after becoming the most wanted man in the world.
against him, no evidence directly connected with the recent shoot of its portal, but a much more deplorable and unjustifiable accusation of rape. How do you defend an accused of rape? not matter whether you are an extravagance all Swedish called "surprise sex" and that is equivalent to rape, despite expected that the rapist is brought naked and smeared with Nutella in a cream cake in the middle of a slumber party chock full of consenting women that if they have returned all night ...
Clearly the British government will send him to Sweden, a country which has made the charge and issued the international arrest warrant, from there, with the excuse of checking whether the American Swedish saunas are effective on athlete's foot as the Swedish saunas Swedish Assange the poor will be transferred temporarily in the United States, where he accidentally be held on charges of espionage, McCarthyism and epistaxis.
The world breaks, hackers are targeting companies that fight Wikileaks, many shouting for a boycott of the critics, Putin also scandalized by this so openly pretextual arrest. The only comment that it is precisely the United States, which have caught the heaviest accusations.
According to reports made public, the United States in April 2003 have boasted a supertestimone that ensured the presence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraqi territory, just to begin the occupation army outposts and arrange for the next campaign Iraq or the Gulf War. In addition, the U.S. government would put in place some accordi con importanti esponenti del partito Baath (tra cui addirittura il generale Al-Rawi, capo delle forze armate irachene), per spartirsi il Paese a tavolino senza passare per il solito governo fantoccio al solo scopo di intascare molti più soldi all'insaputa tanto degli iracheni, quanto degli americani.
Anzi, no, questa era parte della trama di Green Zone con Matt Damon. Bel film, comunque!
e adesso se mi permettete, tre comunicazioni di servizio:
Max , per arrivare alla traversa Mandrolisai, vai in via Mandrolisai e cerca una traversa (forse hai ragione, questo potrebbe dare il colpo di grazia al mio blog).
Diego , via Basilicata è vicino Via parsley.
Riki, I love cutting onions. 'm Going crazy. I had my way, chopping onions all day!
With this over and out.
the pizza carrier
Dear friends,
Julian Assange this week, the Australian journalist, founder of Wikileaks, the international nonprofit organization specializing in the publication of "indiscretions" turned himself in to London police Tuesday after becoming the most wanted man in the world.
against him, no evidence directly connected with the recent shoot of its portal, but a much more deplorable and unjustifiable accusation of rape. How do you defend an accused of rape? not matter whether you are an extravagance all Swedish called "surprise sex" and that is equivalent to rape, despite expected that the rapist is brought naked and smeared with Nutella in a cream cake in the middle of a slumber party chock full of consenting women that if they have returned all night ...
Clearly the British government will send him to Sweden, a country which has made the charge and issued the international arrest warrant, from there, with the excuse of checking whether the American Swedish saunas are effective on athlete's foot as the Swedish saunas Swedish Assange the poor will be transferred temporarily in the United States, where he accidentally be held on charges of espionage, McCarthyism and epistaxis.
The world breaks, hackers are targeting companies that fight Wikileaks, many shouting for a boycott of the critics, Putin also scandalized by this so openly pretextual arrest. The only comment that it is precisely the United States, which have caught the heaviest accusations.
According to reports made public, the United States in April 2003 have boasted a supertestimone that ensured the presence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraqi territory, just to begin the occupation army outposts and arrange for the next campaign Iraq or the Gulf War. In addition, the U.S. government would put in place some accordi con importanti esponenti del partito Baath (tra cui addirittura il generale Al-Rawi, capo delle forze armate irachene), per spartirsi il Paese a tavolino senza passare per il solito governo fantoccio al solo scopo di intascare molti più soldi all'insaputa tanto degli iracheni, quanto degli americani.
Anzi, no, questa era parte della trama di Green Zone con Matt Damon. Bel film, comunque!
e adesso se mi permettete, tre comunicazioni di servizio:
Max , per arrivare alla traversa Mandrolisai, vai in via Mandrolisai e cerca una traversa (forse hai ragione, questo potrebbe dare il colpo di grazia al mio blog).
Diego , via Basilicata è vicino Via parsley.
Riki, I love cutting onions. 'm Going crazy. I had my way, chopping onions all day!
With this over and out.
the pizza carrier
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