Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Kite Director's Cut Online'


Please let us Largo, FL for my friends, is a quarterly fanzine was born back in April of 1996 (sigh, as time passes!), 44 pages in b \\ n, but complete with color cover, that is sailing safely in the increasingly chaotic and confusing world comics with his 44th number, published in January 2007.

The "quietly" above is the fact that it is sold in strict postal subscription and this means that as long as our many subscribers will continue to give us one hand, FL will continue, just quietly get out.

The main aim of our fanzine is to promote new authors emerging in spite of the laws of the market crisis of ideas, old authors now sold out - and more inspired by the Muse Pagnotta that - and publishers' short-sighted and deaf We are convinced that the Italian authorities are not a breed in danger of extinction, but they still have many arrows in their bows. In short, the main purpose of FL is "to make the bones" to emerging writers, as it is now established practice or a draw (or write) like a pro, and then interest to publishers (vabbè. .. even here there it would of interesting things to say, but must not digress too!), or if it does not spin at all. We also offer the opportunity to those authors, leaving the narrow and uncritical, and the family to confront the opinions of strangers, and certainly more competent in terms of comics of any kind of parent, experimenting with both at the same time famous, and never so insulted, Gavetta, claim that all publishers but no one takes (more) bothered to do.

Collaborate to fanzines as the author does not cost anything because we self-financed through subscriptions (already said but worth repeating).

not asking for money then, but even We give, in the sense that if the comic is published, the creators is distributed free to head a copy of the fanzine. And if one wants to give away 250 copies to friends, relatives, parents or guardian to show his work, it is good to know that costs 3 €.
regard, then, possible publication on our website ... comics should be sent by regular mail (no email attachments, in short) a photocopy A4 (good photocopies, please!), strictly in b \\ n (no halftones or shades of gray, so to speak!), with stories (and episodic otherwise) shall not exceed the 8 / 12 pages per episode, to the address below. Anyone intending to use the color (or halftones or shades of gray) must produce stories in a single table. But if someone wants to try as well with some cover, the color is essential. With regard instead to articles & stories (or poems) the important thing is that they do not exceed one page in length (still A4).

And finally, anyone who wants to receive a number of FL for a look before subscribing or starting any type of collaboration with us, please contact us at email .

Staff Writer


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