Tuesday, August 31, 2010

How To Word A Money Bridal Shower

alternative holiday

Dear friends of pizza carrier ,
controesodo in period, I was thinking to leave and in particular the possible destinations. Looking up the sky tg 24 pictures of Gaddafi's visit in our beautiful country, I flashed a nice idea: Libya.
The Great Republic Socialist People's Libyan Arab , with an area of \u200b\u200b1,760,000 km ², is the fourth African country to the surface, the seventeenth in the world. According to Wikipedia coexist peacefully within the country five ethnic groups: Arabs, Berbers, Tebou, Tuareg and Uninabited. In particular Uninabited deal most of the territory.
The problem is that not know the language or the customs of the place. With this background, in a foreign country may fool or - even worse - you risk offending the strong sensitivity of the natives. 'S why I decided to take a leaf from Gheddy, leader since 1969. If he does not know the fashion of the place ...
So, first of all I bought five hundred Bibles to give away around. I am not a Christian, but I come from a country where the 91.6% of the population is Christian. What I understand, when a Libyan goes abroad, he loves talking about his religion and presumably when he welcomes a visitor to his country, he expects that this will do the same! Thus, distribute Bibles around Tripoli.
Then I thought of going to a Koranic school and tell my personal theory about the prophet Muhammad . After a binge of gigantic pig and cannonau the other day I dreamed that Muhammad is not dead return from the pilgrimage of farewell, but fled to France with his nine wives and his daughter Fatima, to meet Jesus and Cicciobombo Cannoniere . I think they'll like very much my story.
Then I will invite them a convertirsi al cristianesimo, dicendogli che la loro religione è sbagliata perchè sì . 
Per quanto riguarda le donne , in Libia è un po' come da noi: basta che paghi e ne puoi avere quante vuoi. La condizione della donna è importante per valutare lo stato di salute di una nazione. Infatti le donne libiche vengono scelte fin da piccole, misurate con dei calibri speciali che determinano se hanno le giuste proporzioni. Nell'età dello sviluppo, purtroppo, parte del raccolto va perso. Alcune non sviluppano abbastanza seno o non crescono abbastanza in altezza. I fianchi poi... non puoi mai dire come diventeranno i fianchi di una ragazza. E' un casino! Però vedendo le Amazons of Gheddy, I believe that in this they are far ahead of us. Libya did not make a Rosi Bindi, but I'm sure if they had, the Gheddy insult every day for at least twice. As our Prime Minister, but no respectable behind who are offended!
Tuareg When I ask if I want to sleep in a tent, I will tell you proudly that they are too attached to the traditions of my homeland and build a building of six floors concrete depleted their rivers with illegal labor.
As for the food, I fall into the easy mistake of tasting the excellent local cuisine, but I'll take a pig dairy for each day of stay and roast them - one day - on the square in front of mosques. Even the wine I'll take it from home and I'm going to offer it to passers-by.
I'm going to pack your bags!

ADDIOOOOOO! The pizza carrier


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